Dream Spell- To dream of a certain person
1 Chunk of Amethyst
3 Rose petals
1 Lock of Hair
1 peice of daisy Root
1 Drop Rose or Patchouli Oil (optional)
1 Pink Candle (melted so wax binds all togeather)
Take the amethyst, rose pedals, lock of hair, daisy root, and empower all of them with what you want them to do (in this
case being dream magick of a lover or friend). Place the amethyst next to your bed, atop it lay the rose petals, hair(the
person of whom you wish to dream of's hair), and
the daisy root. If you wish you may top it all off with rose or patchouli oil,and melted pink wax! To be done during the
new moon, right before bed.While laying down before going to sleep, keep the thought of the person
in mind. (from my B.O.S.) ( you have probebly seen this one, Ive posted it on the web a few times)
Dream Spell- To dream of a certain person
1 Chunk of Amethyst
3 Rose petals
1 Lock of Hair
1 peice of daisy Root
1 Drop Rose or Patchouli Oil (optional)
1 Pink Candle (melted so wax binds all togeather)
Take the amethyst, rose pedals, lock of hair, daisy root, and empower all of them with what you want them to do (in this
case being dream magick of a lover or friend). Place the amethyst next to your bed, atop it lay the rose petals, hair(the
person of whom you wish to dream of's hair), and
the daisy root. If you wish you may top it all off with rose or patchouli oil,and melted pink wax! To be done during the
new moon, right before bed.While laying down before going to sleep, keep the thought of the person
in mind. (from my B.O.S.) ( you have probebly seen this one, Ive posted it on the web a few times)
One good way to enhanse dreams if to create a dream pillow yourself
Get some silk or cotton (only pure fibre, no blends unless cotton linen
or silk linen or cotton silk).
Sew it into a pillow shape... any shape you wish. Best colour is royal
blue. Fill this pillow with the following herbs:Cinnamon, Clove, Orris,
Rose and Saffron and on some flax seed add these essential oils:
lemongrass, marigold, orange and lemon. Now sew the pillow closed.
For added "umph", in a ritual, pass the pillow over psychic awareness
incense made from frankinsence, myrrh, cedarwood and lavendar (or
comercially bought) and while passing the pillow through the smoke
visialize yourself waking up in the morning having remembered very
important dreams.
Levetation Schools of Practice.
- First, You must make yourself lighter and you will fly.
- Second, You must push or pull yourself thru the air.
2 Spells (1 for each school)
Components Required
- You need 4 candles (yellow or white do not mix colors)
- You need a quiet place to begin.
- You need a down feather ( The smaller the better)
First you must place the candles in a circle one in each direcition. Perform a cleansing ritual and center yourself. Hold
the feather in your non dominate hand (left if you are right handed, right if you are left handed). Feel it's life force its
gift of lightness. light the candles. Start in the East and work Sun-wise (clockwise).
Enter the Circle and sit in a comfortable position. Facing the north.
Now, you must chant the following 9 times:
In the light I see,
In the dark I am blind.
In the world I walk,
In the circle I fly.
Next call to your spirit guide or God to aid you. Then clear your mind the feel the feather float in your open hand and
lift with it AND NOW YOU LEVITATE.
Helpers to the Spell
- Performed at dawn
- Performed outside
- Add your own components and touch to the spell (it is just a guideline)
Components Required
- You need a rod or staff
- You need a place YOU can focus best in
- You need a Crystal (white quartz or obsidian)
First perform a cleansing ritual. place the crystal on the ground in front of you.
Hold the staff or rod out in front of you horizontally. Recite the following spell.
As stone is to earth
So staff is to stone.
Death and rebirth
Heart and bone.
May light fly,
I call away stone.
I summon you sky.
Call me on.
visualize as you see fit the pushing and pulling. AND NOW YOU LEVITATE.
Helpers to the Spell
- Performed at dusk
- Performed outside
- Use a staff and stone special to you
- Add your own touches to the spell (it is just a guideline)
The previous spells are hard at first but in time you will soar with eagles.
Be Careful not to forget the Cleansing It is VERY important. I hope these will help
Here's a Pentagram Ritual for Our-of-body Experience. I've used it a couple of times with good results.
Go naked or with only a single loose garment on your body lie on a large white cloth on the floor in the room where you
do you rituals. Jewellery and other metal objects should be removed from your body. Lie on a purified large white cloth. your
head should be pointing north and your arms outstretched, east to west.
Eyes closed, meditate for a few moments upon the image and form of the pentagram. Think on the thought that through this
age-old symbol a mysterious and wonderful experience awaits you.
After this short mediation make a soft and steady blowing motion as if you where blowing out a candle. Now hold your breath
and concentrate on the image of the pentagram.
Let go when you cannot hold your breath any longer. now take a deep breath and once again hold it. clench your fists if
necessary in order to hold your breath.
The moment you cannot hold it any longer let it all out in one go.
Now breath slowly and regularly with the image of the pentagram firmly fixed in your mind.
See the pentagram representing your body. the top of the star is your head; the horizontal points are your outstretched
arms and the lower points are your legs.
Now speak calmly and purposefully:
"In thee, o lady I trust always. I shall leave my body in complete and total safety. Thy presence is always with
me. I shall enjoy this experience. In thee I trust so mote it be!"
Now think of your body as a garment which you can wear or discard as you please. let your mind dwell on this thought.
Picture yourself rolling over without disturbing your physical body.
Visualise this as vividly as you can. Avoid physically moving. Forget about you physical body; pretend it doesn't exist.
Now mentally will yourself to raise above your body. you should be absolutely relaxed; there should be no tension in your
mentally willing. Be calm, relaxed and unperturbed if you do not feel yourself rise.
You will suddenly be aware that you are floating above your body. You will see your body lying on the floor as if it was
a completely separate entity.
The sensation will feel strange and a little unnerving, but as you adjust to what's happening the strangeness will give
way to exhilaration and wonder.
Now that you are free of all physical limitations you may go wherever you please. I would suggest that on your first our-of-body
experience that you simply remain in your own room and enjoy the thrill. on future occasion try further afield.
In order to return to your body you need only to "will" it to be so and within an instant your experience will
be over.